Mac OS X Leopard
I find myself literally squinting at the Leopard special folder icons, as if I'm constantly not seeing them clearly. ...,,,,, Poorly designed folder icons aren't the end of the world, but it's the context that's so maddening. Here's an interface element that maybe could have used some freshening up, but it was far from broken. Apple's gone and made it worse in a way that's obvious in seconds to anyone who's ever given any thought to interface design. It boggles the mind. The rumor is that Jobs likes them. Great.
It's a cornucopia of Obviously Bad Ideas, again addressed more thoroughly by others. This is like the folder icon situation all over again, but even worse. It's an example of sacrificing usability for the sake of purely aesthetic changes that are far from universally loved (to put it mildly) in isolation, and inexcusable given the price paid for them.
Posted: 木 - 11 月 1, 2007 at 12:49 午前