
ESR laboratory

‘Nature gives us all surprises’

Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943) Nobel Lecture, May 2, 1903

Our laboratory is a collaborative graduate program between Hokkaido University and RIKEN, designed for doctoral course students. We focus on the condensed matter physics of molecular materials, utilizing electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy at RIKEN in Wako City, Saitama. RIKEN is Japan’s largest comprehensive research institution for natural science, renowned for high-quality research across a diverse range of scientific disciplines.


Our facilities include a conventional X-band ESR system (10 GHz) equipped with a helium-flow cryostat and a high-frequency ESR system capable of reaching up to 400 GHz. Our state-of-the-art high-frequency system provides superior resolution and enables the investigation of electronic states under high magnetic fields. For investigating the basic physical properties of molecular materials, we have also a superconducting magnet up to 12 T and a dilution refrigerator which go down to 30 mK.

理研の設備には、ヘリウムフロークライオスタットを備えた従来のXバンドESRシステム(10 GHz)に加え、最大400 GHzまで測定可能な高周波ESRシステムがあります。最先端の高周波ESRシステムにより、優れた分解能を実現し、高磁場環境下での電子状態の詳細な研究が可能です。また、分子性物質の一般的な物性測定を行うために、最大12 Tまでの超伝導マグネットおよび30 mKまでの温度領域に到達できる希釈冷凍機も所有しています。

One of our most exciting recent discoveries is related to a spin liquid material, where we revealed the emergence of low-dimensional spin dynamics. This finding provides new insights into the exotic properties of quantum spin liquids, contributing significantly to our understanding of strongly correlated materials [1]. Additionally, we are pioneering research on molecular memristive oscillators. Our work has demonstrated that a Mott-insulator-based molecular memristor can act as a highly tunable oscillator [2]. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for neuromorphic devices and next-generation electronics.
Our broader research interests span molecular conductors, molecular magnets, and nanocarbon materials, with a focus on strongly correlated systems and their novel quantum phenomena.


We are always looking for passionate and motivated students to join our research team.
If you are eager to explore the fascinating world of condensed matter physics and contribute to cutting-edge discoveries, we encourage you to reach out and join us on this exciting journey.

— Yugo OSHIMA, Senior Research Scientist (RIKEN)


We welcome new students!

We study the condensed matter physics of molecular materials using ESR spectroscopy. ESR is one of the most sensitive techniques for probing microscopic properties, such as electronic states and spin dynamics, of unpaired electrons.
We welcome graduate students from around the world who are interested in the condensed matter physics of strongly correlated materials or in ESR spectroscopy instrumentation. All research and studies will be conducted at RIKEN in Wako City, Saitama.

RIKEN offers a Junior Research Associate (JRA) program, which provides part-time positions for highly motivated and open-minded graduate students. To be eligible, candidates must be enrolled (or scheduled to be enrolled) in the doctoral program at Hokkaido University.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!



電子スピン共鳴(ウィキペディア) / Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Wikipedia)

Research Location, Contact information

Lab Members

Useful Links

  • 北海道大学 大学院理学院 物性物理学専攻 / Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Hokkaido University Link
  • 理化学研究所 上野核分光研究室 / RIKEN, Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory Link
  • 理化学研究所 加藤分子物性研究室(閉店) / RIKEN, Condensed Molecular Materials Laboratory Link